Drowning My Sorrows: Holliday, after Clementine comes back into his life.
Do Wrong, Right: Old Man Clanton's response after the near-shootout at the tavern with Wyatt: "When you pull a gun, kill a man.".
Curse of the Ancients: The Deacon's favorite expression seems to be "dad-blast it.".
However, as Clanton is departing, he suddenly turns to shoot Wyatt, and Morgan Earp shoots and kills him. Corral gunfight, Wyatt Earp tells Old Man Clanton (who earlier killed Earp's brother James, and whose own sons have just been killed in the fight) that he's not going to kill him: "I hope you'll live a hundred years, so you'll feel just a little of what my pa's gonna feel." Then he tells him to get on his horse and get out of town.
Cruel Mercy: Invoked and then subverted.
His reputation is that of a Shakespearean actor, and he never tires of quoting the Bard - but the play he is supposed to be appearing in is a trashy crime drama set in New York City.
Chekhov's Gun: James's pendant ends up revealing who killed him.
The Chanteuse: Chihuahua is an Old West saloon singer version.
The hopeful news is that Wyatt may return to Clementine who is staying in Tombstone as a teacher. However, most of the main characters have died.
Bittersweet Ending: Justice is served and law and order have come to Tombstone and the West.
Bilingual Bonus: Early in the film, Virgil spots James with his Celtic cross and cracks to Wyatt, "There goes that chingadera again." "Chingadera" is a Mexican Spanish word that translates out to "fucking thing" or "crap.".
Holliday has definitely chosen Chihuahua.
Betty and Veronica: Clementine and Chihuahua - except their rivalry is only in Chihuahua's head.
Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Chihuahua never sweats or appears disheveled - not even when she is badly injured and undergoing surgery.
Mac: No, I've been a bartender all my life.
Old Man Clanton was real and was the leader of the Cowboy faction opposed by the Earps, but he died months before the O.K.
Corral, though not a remake of Clementine, used James in a similar way.) In reality, James was the eldest, was uninvolved in the feud, and long outlived both Virgil and Morgan.
The plot is kicked off by the murder of the youngest Earp brother, James.
Artistic License History: The film diverges frequently from the known facts, particularly concerning the main characters' love lives and the timing and circumstances of various deaths.
Also the actor Thorndyke, who is Played for Laughs. Ford deliberately included the dance number again because "he thought it would make a good shot."
Actor Allusion: Henry Fonda did the same slightly awkward high-stepping dance in his earlier appearance for John Ford, Young Mr.
Has nothing to do with the song - which does, however, serve as theme music.